Monday, October 17, 2011


We are in my FAVORITE season right now!! I absolutely love Fall in Michigan - the colors are just amazing, they just seem so much more striking for some reason, think maybe it's because we don't have as many trees around in Pietermaritzburg as we do here in Michigan?

Anyways this year I got pretty excited at the thought of my first Fall in the US in my own place, and being able to buy my own Fall decorations and decorating our balcony! I've had the decorations up for a while now, but only just thought about blogging about Fall - why I have no idea :) I still have to get a real pumpkin though for near my little decos, and also fake pumpkins for the top of the edge of my balcony...

The Inside Decorations...

The Outside Decorations...

I Got A Sign And Bigger Scarecrows... (I think the scarecrows are adorable :))

About 2 weeks ago we took Max to the park to run around a bit without a leash and I asked Dustin if we could find some trees that have changed colour, so we did, we went on a drive and I saw these two trees that were BEAUTIFUL!! So I made Dustin stop and I had to take a few pics 

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