Wednesday, July 25, 2012

KLOUT ~ Have You Heard About It?...

Have you heard of KLOUT?

Well I hadn't heard of KLOUT until just recently. I will admit that I am still trying to figure out how it all works. But so far I have got that you use it to network all your social media things like Facebook (your personal, your page if you have one etc.), Twitter etc.

You have a score near your photo, and every time you get a +K and you add a list or influence etc onto your profile your score goes up, and every so many +K's you have you end up being able to claim a perk. My first perk I claimed was a photo book from Shutterfly, you can go and have a look at my profile here to see what it looks like. Its really great to get some free things, so if you can join and get your friends and family to join in on the fun, not only do you get to score on some awesome free things, they all do too!! :)

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